
How to Afford Overlanding?

How to Afford Overlanding?

Want to hit the road and travel overland to explore new places and experience extraordinary cultures? I’ve been there too and looked into the options of how to afford this lifestyle. In this article we talk about overlanding as a multiple continent, long term travel style. We will dive into each strategy, how to mix and match and a basic indication of how much money you should be thinking about.

5 tips on how to save money for your own overland adventure

5 tips on how to save money for your own overland adventure

You look at those pictures on instagram of people traveling the world and the voice in your head says that you would never be able to afford that, those people must be rich. Truth be told, that in all my time on the road I have never met someone who said they are wealthy and never have to work again in their lives. Every single person worked hard for the cash they spent on traveling, which is good news because it means you can do it too! Let me give you 5 tips on how to save money for your own overland adventure.